Dear Photograph,
This Valentine’s Day, just like every other day, I know my dear Dad is here at his favourite beach where I grew up. This is his final resting place and I know he is forever and always by my Mum’s side…together again.
Dear Photograph,
So much has happened in this home where I have lived all nineteen years of my life. As I leave for University this coming year, I realize so much has happened within these walls. Although each of us have changed and grown up a lot since this photograph was taken, the house itself has quietly remained the same. When things between our parents deteriorated, each of us became more detached and isolated dealing with our emotions separately. Since the walls can’t talk, we slowly began to get back in touch with one another and start communicating with each other once more. Now our home is happy and safe once again. We don’t talk about our past, but I feel like those memories are somehow immortalized into the walls that held us up for so long. A photograph, a simple representation of our shared experiences….the things that are better left unsaid.
Dear Photograph,
My father and his brother stood there full of smiles in 1982 on the day he married my mother. Unfortunately, a lot has changed since then…love included.
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